Integrate and prioritize the advancement of both existing and new communications, computing and advanced control technology to revitalize the utility.
We Help Utilities to Effectively Enable Progress
Optimizing the grid to improve reliability, to shorten outages and to improve customer service
Effectively deploy and integrate intermittent and distributed energy resources
Successfully enable technology to dynamically optimize grid operations
Optimize operation of appliances and significant loads, including EV
Cost effective and environmentally beneficial demand-side management programs
Transition to the next-gen grid
Enable technologies to refresh and enhance Meter Data Management Systems, Time of Use rates and dynamic pricing, benefit from the value of head-end data
AMI 2.0 enables new function and capabilities with modern meters, network and analytics. Further improve customer service and gain additional operational benefits through the integration of improved customer care and billing and outage management
Our implementation roadmaps provide a phased approach to take you from current state to future state. Enable new functionality, transform existing services using advanced communications capabilities and enable future services to foster innovation.
The grid never stops getting smarter. Innovation provides the opportunity to progress value to higher levels. Balancing the demands of today with future improvements requires a deep understanding and expertise on approaches and end-to-end solutions.
Veregy is here to help.